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Sunday, May 11, 2014

seifuku jumper sea
Nebula Dress made by me! I hope you like it~
I’ve always wanted something galaxy themed but with a hint of the sea as well, so out came this. This was my first time making designs on Animal Crossing so yeah… There are things I want to fix/add but oh well.
Feel free to use, just don’t claim it as your own/remove my source. Thanks! <3 ^ o ^
I made a suit top to go with the houndstooth pants that I found in the Able Sisters earlier this week. It helped kill some time while I was waiting for my flight on Monday.
It is also the suit of choice for international man of mystery, Dino Suarez.  
i made this today and figured i’d share the code in case anyone wants to use it! ´v`
Art by Senri
Not the best of my designs but still kinda cute c:

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